Someone Ate Bhelpuri In Someone’s Call Records


Nowadays preserving one’s privacy is extremely important. So, the list of a person’s call records may be the most private and important thing they have. But imagine some random stranger checking out your entire call records. Scary!

A Twitter user named Prerna Lidhoo shared this strange occurrence happening with her. However, she was on the receiving end. She mentioned how she was served Bhelpuri on a paper that held information about a certain Sandeep Rane’s call history.

Lidhoo shared a picture of the Vodaphone call records on Twitter on Friday, with the phone numbers blurred.

While sharing the picture of her Behlpuri plate, Lidhoo wrote, “#DataPrivacy is really a joke in this country. I just had Bhelpuri on Mr Rane’s itemised call records.”

The tweet got a lot of attention and many users talked about data privacy in general. Many even made jokes about how such important information reached the chaat stall in the first place. 

One user wrote, “Do u have a smartphone or a laptop with a camera, u use an app, u in social media, just forget about data privacy, everything is public & you urself have done it !! there are kids who hack into any international airport camera at any time of the day! Data privacy is extinct!”

What did you think about this find?

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