Watch an Ola S1 Pro scooter pull Volkwagen Vento sedan on video


Ola Electric scooter has been lately on the news for various reasons. There are several positive and negative news reports related to the Ola’s S1 and S1 Pro electric scooter. There are videos and news reports in which owners have complained about the build quality of the scooter. While there are these types of negative stories about Ola scooter, there are happy customers as well. We have seen several happy and satisfied Ola S1 or S1 Pro customers as well. Here we have one such happy customer from Ola who tries to tow a Volkswagen Vento sedan with his S1 Pro electric scooter.

The video has been uploaded by MasterMind Tech on their YouTube channel. In this video, vlogger tries to showcase capabilities of the Ola S1 Pro electric scooter. For this experiment, he does not start with the Volkswagen Vento first. He initially brings a Royal Enfield Classic 350 motorcycle which weighs around 192 kilograms. He ties one end of the rope on Royal Enfield and the other end on the electric scooter. Ola S1 Pro comes with ride modes like Eco, Normal, Sport and Hyper. For this experiment, the vlogger who is also the owner of the scooter mentioned that he’ll be riding the scooter in Normal mode.

Only if he finds that the scooter is unable to pull in Normal mode, he’ll switch to Sport or Hyper mode. Vlogger sits on the scooter and starts it. He shows on camera that the scooter is in normal mode and he slowly starts to pull the Royal Enfield. All the torque from the electric motor of Ola S1 Pro came in handy at this point and the scooter managed to pull the Royal Enfield Classic 350 without any problem. The Ola rider was maintaining a speed of 10-12 kmph. Vlogger or the rider can be heard saying in the video that he is doing it on plain roads so that he does not put too much effort on the electric motor.

Ola S1 Pro owner tows a Volkswagen Vento sedan [Video]

Once he successfully towed the Royal Enfield, vlogger was prepared for the next level. For the next level he brought his Volkswagen Vento diesel sedan and asked his friend to sit on the driver seat. The Ola S1 Pro scooter was turned On and the rope was tied to the scooter and the car. The scooter was in Normal mode only. The Volkswagen Vento was turned On but the gear was not engaged. The vlogger then starts stretching the rope and starts pulling the car. He was not sure whether the Ola scooter would be able to pull the car which is almost 10 times more heavy that the Royal Enfield.

Surprisingly, the Ola S1 Pro scooter started pulling the Vento. He did both the tests on the same route to avoid any confusions. The car was still in neutral and the person sitting inside the car was just steering the car to make sure that it stays on the road. electric vehicles be it scooter or a car have electric motors that create a lot more torque than a petrol or diesel engine vehicle. All this torque is available from the moment the vehicle starts moving. This is why the Ola S1 Pro was able to pull the car in Normal mode. Is it something that we would recommend doing? No, because doing such things on a regular basis would mean putting a lot of pressure on the motor and there are chances that it might damage the motor.


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