Tesla to Pay Reservist Ukrainian Employees for Three Months


Tesla announced plans to accommodate its Ukrainian employees who are asked to return to their country for active duty as a reservist. 

According to CNBC, the automaker said in an email that it would maintain those workers’ employment and salary for three months. 

Tesla sent the email to employees in the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions and it is not clear if the benefit would extend to employees in North America. 

After three months, Tesla said it would reevaluate the war and its employees’ situations and decide what actions to take. 

In February, prior to the invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called up the country’s reservists as Ukraine prepared.

The email also said Tesla opened free Supercharging at stations bordering Ukraine to be used by both Tesla and non-Tesla electric vehicles. 

In addition, Tesla teamed up with SpaceX to bring the aerospace company’s Starlink satellite internet service to Ukraine. 


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