Tata Power News: Tata Power gearing up to build pan-India electric vehicle charging stations
Tata Power has tied up with OEMs like Tata Motors under which home charger solution is provided to each of the vehicle owner, as part of the vehicle purchase and nearly 15,000 home chargers have been provided. In addition to this, nearly 2,000 plus public chargers are provided in nearly 170 cities including highways between cities so as to provide flexibility to users to top up their charging, as and when required.
In addition to this fleet charging facilities is being provided alongwith captive charging for public transportation and buses at their depot.To deal with range anxiety, we have also developed an user friendly mobile App for locating charging stations in the cities and highways, which during travel, one can plan to book in advance, or charge, as required. The payments can be made through the payment gateway available on the App.

The revised strategy for
2.0 was developed about three years back to create a roadmap as also a mindset change to have more retail focussed businesses from the earlier purely related business.
“We are reinventing ourselves to be an agile energy services and solution company offering renewable power alongwith hybrid solutions provider through effective data management,” said Sinha.
The new Tata Power is providing consumers with a choice to be responsible in energy usage and also offering them 24/7 renewable solutions with a combination of solar -wind -storage and demand side management by controlling usage of critical and non critical loads during peak and off peak periods of energy availability through usage of sensors, IOT’s and information technology.
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