Elon Musk Replies To Bengaluru Man’s Tweet Stating That He Is Not The Founder Of Tesla


Here’s the back story if you’ve been living under the rock! Elon Musk wanna own the microblogging platform Twitter and post his initial bid of USD 42 billion, he raised the stake to USD 46.5 billion as filed with the US regulatory board. The Tesla chief has loaned debts and equities (besides burning his own wallet) from top gun lenders including Morgan Stanley, Barclays and Bank of America. The world is watching with bated breaths even as twitter’s board is in turmoil over Elon’s potential takeover of the bird app in his relentless crusade to make social media a bastion of free speech with algos made public. There’s a massive outpour of support for Musk’s campaign to seize the public townsquare of the Internet. The debate rages on (for weeks now). In sabke beech namma Benguluru’s Vaibhav Sisinity (founder of Growth School), chipped tweeting that Musk isn’t the founder of Tesla , stating “just reminding :)” Noted Vaibhav.

Responding to the tweet replies on Vaibhav’s trivia, Musk elaborated on what actually transpired.

Apparently, the whole thing was just a shell company without any infra or IP or even employees to begin with. They only had a business plan to commercialise AC Propulsion’s Tzero car which was introduced to him by J B Straubel whom the board later expelled. Musk remarked that if filing a shell company means ‘founding a company’ then he should be deemed the founder of Paypal whoes original domain X.com was incorporated by himself.

Responding to the thread of trivia that unfolded Vaibhav explained why he tweeted it all in the first place stating ‘Elon can be the one’. . . who ‘can tap into twitter’s true potential’.

well that remains to be seen!

See Also: Elon Musk Claims To Eliminate “Spam Bots Or Die Trying” Once He Takes Over Twitter

See also: Elon Musk Trashes Twitter Board With Yet Another Tweet; Says “Board Salary Will Be $0 If My Bid Succeeds”

See also: Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Opens Up About Elon Musk’s Offer; Shreds Twitter’s Board As Dysfunctional

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