Elon Musk Reacts to Twitter Employees Talking About Him in 'Leaked' Slack Messages


After his acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion, Tesla CEO Elon Musk addressed Twitter employees for the first time in an apparent effort to “assuage concerns” about the deal. Soon after this, a video went viral that purportedly showed messages of employees talking about him. Musk responded with only one word: “interesting.” As per Reuters, Twitter employees posted memes on Slack as they complained that Musk has not been providing useful answers on his vision. “He is trying not to be boring,” wrote one person on Slack. There was also a person who mentioned how queer people cannot trust this man. “We’ve seen this kind of homophobia and transphobia before, there is nothing salvageable about what he said,” the person wrote.

Musk’s response to the conversation garnered over 80K likes. According to Vox, Musk, at the beginning of the meeting said, “I love Twitter.” He further added, “Some people use their hair to express themselves, I use Twitter. I find it’s the best forum for communicating with a lot of people simultaneously, and getting that message directly to people.”

Musk highlighted a need for “rationalisation of headcount” at the microblogging platform. “Right now, the costs exceed the revenue. So that’s not a great situation to be in. And so there would have to be some rationalization of headcount and expenses to have revenue be greater than cost,” he was quoted as saying by in a report. However, Musk added, “Anyone who’s… a significant contributor should have nothing to worry about.”

He further said that the advertising model was important to Twitter’s business and reiterated that he was not against it. Ads and subscriptions are two key things that will help boost Twitter’s revenue, he said. “I think advertising is very important for Twitter,” said the Tesla CEO. “I’m not against advertising. I would probably talk to the advertisers and say, like, ‘hey, let’s just make sure the ads are as entertaining as possible.” In the past, Musk had suggested making Twitter ad free. He also touched upon alien civilisations and other such things, but noted that he as the CEO of SpaceX had not seen any actual evidence of extraterrestrial beings.

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