Brighton entrepreneur named among most inspiring female founders


THE founder of a company to help female entrepreneurs has been named one of the UK’s most inspirational and dynamic businesswomen.

Clare Griffiths, who founded Brighton-based social enterprise Thrive in 2018, has been included in a list of 100 female entrepreneurs by the f:Entrepreneur #ialso100 campaign to celebrate the multi-achievements of women running businesses across the country.

Clare, whose company aims to boost the knowledge, confidence and connections of female ‘solopreneurs’, said it was an honour to be included in the list alongside other inspiring women.

She said: “It is really motivating to receive recognition for my social impact work to boost the start up and survival rate of female-led businesses.”

Delivered by Small Business Britain, f:Entrepreneur was launched in 2017 to highlight the stories of amazing female business owners and help provide inspiration and role models across the wider small business community.

The campaign offers a host of events and training and networking opportunities to boost skills, capability and confidence.

Michelle Ovens CBE, who founded both Small Business Britain and f:Entrepreneur, said: “It is so vital that we recognise and celebrate the phenomenal contribution that women running businesses are making across the UK, and the far-reaching, positive impact they are having, not just on the economy, but on wider communities too.

“The last few years have been hugely challenging for small businesses, yet this female entrepreneurship continues to grow and flourish in the UK, and is very much at the heart of the UK’s recovery.”

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