Elon Musk says Netflix is unwatchable because of woke mind virus, triggers speculations


Netflix suffered its first subscriber loss in more than a decade, causing its shares to plunge by 25 per cent. The streaming giant reported the loss of 200,000 subscribers during the first quarter, triggering a drastic downfall in its stock prices. The news sent shockwaves across the world, with notable personalities, including Tech billionaire Elon Musk, weighing in their views on why Netflix has been witnessing an unprecedented slump.

Elon Musk, who has open aspirations to buy the whole of Twitter Inc., took to Twitter to share his thoughts about why Netflix has been losing its customer base. In his tweet, Musk held the “woke mind virus” responsible for making Netflix “unwatchable”.

The Tesla CEO was replying to a tweet by Slashdot.com saying that it’s ‘the woke mind virus’ that is making Netflix unwatchable. Musk’s opinion on Netflix triggered speculation about the streaming giant’s future given that the last time when the Billionaire expressed his disgust for wokeness, he ended up buying a 9.2 per cent stake in Twitter, a company he felt was consistently performing below par. Later, he offered $43 billion to buy out the social media tech giant.

Elon Musk’s castigatory tweet on Netflix triggers social media speculations

With Elon Musk speaking on Netflix’s losses, social media users could not help but start speculating about the fate of the streaming behemoth. Many Twitter users agreed with Musk and took a dig at Netflix over its content. A user tried to suggest that in the wake of Black representation, Twitter might come up with a series on Russian President Putin played by a Black actor.

Another Twitter user suggested that woke mind virus is the biggest threat facing the civilisation, to which Musk responded in affirmative.

When a Twitter user asked Elon Musk which shows he finds infected by the ‘woke Virus’, A social media user shared a poster of a series apparently screened on Netflix that depicted a man getting ready for his pregnancy.

Another Twitter user was quite straightforward in asking Musk to buy Netflix and purge it of the woke content.

Still another user commented that after Musk takes over Twitter and fires its employees for not showing up in the office, Netflix will be his next takeover.

Elon Musk offers to buy out Twitter

The Internet has already started pondering over whether Netflix is next on Elon’s list of purchases after Twitter. After the open condemnation of Twitter’s biased algorithmic policies, Elon Musk came out as the biggest independent shareholder in the company. Later, he straightforwardly proposed to buy the company and make it private. It could only be a possibility for the world to wake up and see the world’s richest man trying to battle it out with ‘wokeness’ with his purchasing power.

Reportedly, the streaming Giant has expected to lose over 2 million subscribers in the second quarter. The company said that the suspension of its service in Russia and the cutting down of all of its Russian paid memberships resulted in a loss of 7 lakh subscribers. Earlier, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings was anguished about the company’s lacklustre performance in India while recording a slump in the growth of its subscriber base. When Hastings had expressed his concerns in an interview, Netizens too had blamed Netflix’s poor performance owing to its woke and Hinduphobic content.


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